Wednesday 27 March 2013

Also cracked on with removing the rear mud gurad. It was very nearly a case of cutting the old bolts off but after much swearing and kicking they came free of their own accord.

The bike is looking a lot shorter which is good but I'll need to make a rear light bracket.

New arrival

A few things arrived last week, most importantly my son was born.
As such the bike has been pushed in to second place.

After about 10 days the little fella has finally fallen asleep so i'll creep out to the shed.

In the post I received a set of cheep headlight brackets. I cleaned up the headlight and also the indicators.

Thursday 14 March 2013


In the spirit of saving money I went hunting through the shed for some black spray paint. No joy. but I did find some black metal primer. I'll paint that on the headlight and see if I can buff it out to a shine.

I had to bite the bullet and spend some money on a headlight bracket. I looked through eBay and on line but all the brackets are pretty crappy. So Opted for a cheap second hand pair to tie me over. It may be a case that I will see what I can find at the next auto jumble.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Bloody hell, what a day. Entertaining mother on mothers day, looking after a very pregnant misses and working out how to use this new tablet!

So sorted both front forks.  They polish up nice. New bars on, well not new, old ones lying around.  My money spend so far has not increased. Result!

Ive taken the headlight apart and sanded it down and given it a primer undercoat. I'll need to spend some pennies on paint unless ive some laying around.

Heres how she's looking at the mo.

More Monday

Well the cockpit is not looking like a nice place to be.

I had a bit of a tidy up. All the nuts and bolts only have surface rust so all saveable.

Sunday morning

Way to early on a Sunday morning to be sneaking out to the shed but when its not raining you can't miss a opportunity.
Things first, quick assessment of some salvageable parts.

Front Mud Guard:- Maybe beyond saving!!

We'll have a go at the front fork stanchion and see whats what.

The little dremel has a polisher attachment which today has totally justified it's over priced purchase last year.
There is still a little scaring but its not very noticeable so I think its OK.