Tuesday 30 April 2013

whoop whoop carbs

hey hey. i have the carbs back.
all clean and lovely.
kind of makes the rest look a bit tatty now, more work!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Carbs again

So my carbs have been cleaned by this gent, he's had them for a while but I think they're finished.
You know what they say "good work can't be rushed" and "cheap work isn't good, and good work isn't cheap"
Any way here's some before and after shot.

Monday 1 April 2013

The tank is in a bad way; its full of rust.

I took a long bottle brush to it and have scrubbed as much rust out as possible but it not looking good.

Option 1, cut the tank in half/open and give it a scrub, re weld back together and then treat with tank sealant?
Option 2, new tank.

So I managed to grab a few hours today. 
I disassembled the rear brake and all the linkage components.
After a wee clean up the brake pedal is looking great.