Thursday 21 February 2013

Rusty Bolts

Got out nice and early today to start working on the bike. Out with the battery and sods law the battery charger needed new adaptors to get things charged.
So after faffing around with the connectors and this and that finally the batter was on charge.
Getting the airbox out proved quite tricky. the screws where rusted to funk and rounded so some very careful screwmanship skills finally got then out........ but the massive airbox wouldn't fit out the frame, so off with the rear mud guard and all manner or hoses and wires where in the way. but i finally won the battle or man vs airbox.

Now some smart arse attached the inlets to the engine with x headed screws which i can't see as a good idea. They are rusty beyond belief. So I left them for now and popped off the carbs.

The carbs are minging but not beyond saving. So now I know whet the next job is.

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