Saturday 16 November 2013

Seat pan

So the seat was rotten through so it was ditched.
I got some 1mm angle steel to start making and basic seat frame.
A couple hour's later and I've got the frame sorted.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Daylight fun

Finally got the chance to work on the bike in the daylight which made a nice change.

first think was to tackle the tank mounts, a small amount of chopping and the front of the tank fits, only problem is the clearance of the coils.
I cut the old mounts off and re located the coils tighter to the frame.


She's coming along now.
I had planned on using the original seat pan with new foam and leather but as with every thing else its rotten.
I've decided to make my own seat so I'm off to get some angle iron to get cracking.

Friday 8 November 2013

The front brake master cylinder was manky to say the least.
The fluid bowl was crumbling so I figured the hose must be shot to.
Unfortunately this meant some more expense.
The brake was pretty cheap but a good hose from hyper hose ain't cheap. Buy cheap, buy twice.
I've popped the brake on and plumed her in. Since then its rained every day I've had off so no more progress at the mo.
I did pick up a new welder and big bag of washers, gotta love eBay

Friday 25 October 2013


Finally got hold of a tank, its also from a GSX. a lick of paint to keep the rust at bay.
I'll have to cut off and move the mounts on the frame as the tank is longer than the original.
And of course the seat will need chopping down and re foaming.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Oh dash

So I got the holes drilled(a little wonkie but not so bad) bit of sanding and quick blast with the spray paint.
Wired up the lights; a little fiddlie but all sorted and very minimalist.

Saturday 19 October 2013

working in the rain

Hey hey,
So got a nice mud guard from a GSX which is pretty tight but it fits ok. Its a little ropie round the edges but I think with some TLC I can get it looking sharp.
I also got a new tank. It looks like it'll fit with very minimal mods.
Again, the tank is rough but not beyond saving.
I also purchased some nifty little led bulbs and marked out on the Speedo mount where they'll fit. It does mean no indicator lights on the dash but I can live without them. Only problem my drill won't make a hole so I'll have to wait and get hold of a pillar drill. The dash on this bike should now look pretty swish.

Monday 23 September 2013

We're back

Hello hello one and all,
The summer is over, the GSXR has been put aside for a few months and work continues on the cafe racer.

There were some terrible holes in the tank so it was taken to pops work for some repairs. Unfortunately no one had any time to dedicate to it as there was more work involved than I thought. So its a new tank required. I have my eye on something.

In the mean time lets get the battery in and check all is still go go go. After one or two trys she fires up. The auxiliary tank proving its worth yet again.

Couple of issues with the electrics as to be expected. So I'll be fixing indicators tonight.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

New odds and sods

So the old girl has fired up, fantastic news. Now I must spend some cash.
Got some new spark plugs, fitted but had to buy an 18mm spark plug tool. I had 2 already and neither fitted! Bugger.
Also the front brake was seized and the pads fussed to the disc, my trusty rubber mallet freed it. So after a swift clean and some new pads its ready to bleed.
However I did take the cafe bars off for the time being so I could pop the original dash back on, mostly for MOT purpose.
I also brought some new Suzuki block connectors to sort out the head light. Ive not tested it yet and the rust remover for the tank is still somewhere in the postal service ether. But soon when the tank is looking healthier I'll stick in the battery and try her out.

Sunday 12 May 2013


Whoop whoop!!

No pics today but a quick update. Mid week trouble with the wiring so its a call to me pops who comes over on the Saturday to help out.

We start at the battery and scrub and clean each connection. After 10 mins we have dash lights, then one indicator. Then all indications working, no hirn though!!

Quick trip to hyper hose and a home made auxiliary fuel tank and she fires up on one cylinder then cylinder number two kicks in.

She runs!!!


Tuesday 30 April 2013

whoop whoop carbs

hey hey. i have the carbs back.
all clean and lovely.
kind of makes the rest look a bit tatty now, more work!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Carbs again

So my carbs have been cleaned by this gent, he's had them for a while but I think they're finished.
You know what they say "good work can't be rushed" and "cheap work isn't good, and good work isn't cheap"
Any way here's some before and after shot.

Monday 1 April 2013

The tank is in a bad way; its full of rust.

I took a long bottle brush to it and have scrubbed as much rust out as possible but it not looking good.

Option 1, cut the tank in half/open and give it a scrub, re weld back together and then treat with tank sealant?
Option 2, new tank.

So I managed to grab a few hours today. 
I disassembled the rear brake and all the linkage components.
After a wee clean up the brake pedal is looking great.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Also cracked on with removing the rear mud gurad. It was very nearly a case of cutting the old bolts off but after much swearing and kicking they came free of their own accord.

The bike is looking a lot shorter which is good but I'll need to make a rear light bracket.

New arrival

A few things arrived last week, most importantly my son was born.
As such the bike has been pushed in to second place.

After about 10 days the little fella has finally fallen asleep so i'll creep out to the shed.

In the post I received a set of cheep headlight brackets. I cleaned up the headlight and also the indicators.

Thursday 14 March 2013


In the spirit of saving money I went hunting through the shed for some black spray paint. No joy. but I did find some black metal primer. I'll paint that on the headlight and see if I can buff it out to a shine.

I had to bite the bullet and spend some money on a headlight bracket. I looked through eBay and on line but all the brackets are pretty crappy. So Opted for a cheap second hand pair to tie me over. It may be a case that I will see what I can find at the next auto jumble.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Bloody hell, what a day. Entertaining mother on mothers day, looking after a very pregnant misses and working out how to use this new tablet!

So sorted both front forks.  They polish up nice. New bars on, well not new, old ones lying around.  My money spend so far has not increased. Result!

Ive taken the headlight apart and sanded it down and given it a primer undercoat. I'll need to spend some pennies on paint unless ive some laying around.

Heres how she's looking at the mo.

More Monday

Well the cockpit is not looking like a nice place to be.

I had a bit of a tidy up. All the nuts and bolts only have surface rust so all saveable.

Sunday morning

Way to early on a Sunday morning to be sneaking out to the shed but when its not raining you can't miss a opportunity.
Things first, quick assessment of some salvageable parts.

Front Mud Guard:- Maybe beyond saving!!

We'll have a go at the front fork stanchion and see whats what.

The little dremel has a polisher attachment which today has totally justified it's over priced purchase last year.
There is still a little scaring but its not very noticeable so I think its OK.

Thursday 28 February 2013


Hello. So, I've been doing some research in to cafe racers to get some ideas for what I'd like.

Not many people makeSuzuki GS250T's in to cafe racers but I have found a good one.
This one is a Dime City build. They got the bike very cheap and built it as a low budget build.
I like most things about it but I think the fuel tank doesn't work. I think it needs to be raised at the seat end so that the curve or the tail matches the curve of the tank. But it has been done well and the colours are great.

Another great build is not so much cafe racer but a cross between a flat tracker and a racer. I think this was built by Benji Cafe racers.

I really like this too, its got a real urban look to it. I don't think this look will work on a little 250. I think this look needs a bit of power behind the image, A bit of clout to to back up the style.

And lastly this beauty.

I think this is the perfect looking cafe racer, i love the curve of the tank and the central filler cap. Its short body and low speedo. It looks compact and light. However I don't think I've the skill to build a bike this nice (just yet).

Friday 22 February 2013

Daily update

First thing first, its cold, so so cold. That crept up on me rather quickly.

Any way it turns out I'm not cleaning out the carbs; some one else it. Result!

A friend has advised that they know a carb genius who'll do it for me and hopefully for the price of some whiskey.
Thus I'm free to pursue other activities like needle work or horse whispering but I will most probably use the time for lounging, relaxing and trying to stay warm!

p.s beer will always be involved

Thursday 21 February 2013

Rusty Bolts

Got out nice and early today to start working on the bike. Out with the battery and sods law the battery charger needed new adaptors to get things charged.
So after faffing around with the connectors and this and that finally the batter was on charge.
Getting the airbox out proved quite tricky. the screws where rusted to funk and rounded so some very careful screwmanship skills finally got then out........ but the massive airbox wouldn't fit out the frame, so off with the rear mud guard and all manner or hoses and wires where in the way. but i finally won the battle or man vs airbox.

Now some smart arse attached the inlets to the engine with x headed screws which i can't see as a good idea. They are rusty beyond belief. So I left them for now and popped off the carbs.

The carbs are minging but not beyond saving. So now I know whet the next job is.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

OK so; My good mate Mad Jon found this little jem for me as a donor bike for my chop as I was after a small engine. He dropped this off and 100 notes later it was sitting in the garden awaiting some sun shine. The rain and snow have disappeared so it investigation time. First thing first get off the ugly Rickman Fairing and whack it on eBay (fingers crossed it'll sell).
So after a little look around she seems in pretty good shape.
Nothing is missing, lots of rust and some stiff levers; but not to bad.
As such I can't chop up this little ride so I think I'll will inject a new life to her. In the mornings after a carb clean, we will see if she starts.